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ISR applications compliant with NATO AEDP-19 procedures and MAJIIC standards for IRM CM.
ICMT (Intelligence Requirements Management & Collection Tool) is core in our ISR application portefolio. We have users of the solution across all NATO HQ and several member countries.
Teleplan Globe develops solutions and platforms that meet the requirements of defense organizations globally. Our aim is to deliver ISR applications that operate stand-alone or are interoperable with our full Battlespace Management Solution (BMS) solution, as delivered in Norway, or with other systems key to our customers’.
We focus on being agile and flexible in terms of adapting to needs of our customers as well as ensuring interoperability with the environment we meet.
The general term Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) is about finding information and bringing it to a customer or decision-maker in a timely fashion.
We often speak about Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR), which doctrinally is a set of intelligence and operations capabilities, to synchronize and integrate the planning and operation of all collection capabilities with the processing, exploitation, and dissemination of the resulting information in direct support of the planning, preparation and execution of operations.
More simply put – we have a considerable amount of information to uncover and only a limited set of assets with which to do it, so we need to be smart.
Direction of the JISR processes is done through Intelligence Requirements Management & Collection Management (IRM&CM). IRM&CM ensure that information and intelligence requirements are properly articulated and answered and that all available collection capabilities and assets are focused and prioritized.
Complicating the issue is the fact that we do not work on our own with just our own assets. Several headquarters at sub-tactical, tactical, operational and strategic level need to concert their efforts in order to achieve the best result with limited resources, and this needs close synchronization. Often we have hundreds or thousands of unanswered questions, and much fewer assets for collection of information and exploitation of it.
Teleplan Globe has worked since the 1990’s with applications within this domain, and since 2005 with the MAJIIC programme – a multinational effort to standardize procedures and technical protocols. Our customers include NATO and several nations.
To illustrate the processes we support within ISR, we utilise this model and indicate how our solutions ICMT, TARA as well as FACNAV adress the different steps:
Our aim is to provide customers with a suite of tools to manage all aspects of the JISR cycle as illustrated above, with special emphasis on the IRM&CM process. These tools are designed to work through the entire chain of command from strategic to unit level.
Our flagship product ICMT (Intelligence Requirements Management & Collection Management Tool) will support the end-user with all parts of the process – from defining the correct Information Requirements (IRs) based on the commander’s or other customers’ needs, through creating and synchronizing Collection Requirements (CRs) to tasking sensor or exploitation assets.
Our lightweight tool TARA (Task And Request Application) complements ICMT, and is used to send requests (RFIs or ISR requests) to an ICMT-equipped headquarter, as well as receiving and responding to tasks, usually in the role of a sensor or exploitation unit.
Our BMS software FACNAV also is focusing in on leveraging ISR in its workflow and application. A media archive with geo-referenced ISR information is presented to the user. As well as live feed from various sources that might be available. Tasking of ICMT and sensors is also key to our users of both systems. FACNAV is also indispensable in the workflow when making decisions in OPERATIONS and TARGETING based on the ISR data.
We see an increasing need for functionality to perform video and picture analysis and have developed new modules and solutions to meet requirements in this space.
Teleplan Globe continue to invest heavily in how we can leverage new technology in our portfolio to offer operative effect to benefit the warfighter. Artificial Intelligence, big data analysis and multi-source analysis is increasingly important and our platform is addressing needs our users have in this space.
We focus on having end-to-end control of the platform we deliver. This ensures that we can deliver guaranteed True Live Support (TLS) by supporting and owning all elements in the value-chain. We have demonstrated that we adhere to standards developed in the industry to ensure connectivity and interoperability to ensure operative effectiveness for our customers.
Examples of customers that have deployed our solutions and are strategically betting on our technology:
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If you would like to know more or engage with our team, please contact us!
Magne Killingstad, Vice President Marketing & Sales
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